
The sprint planning meeting is held before the start of the sprint. The purpose of this meeting is to determine the sprint plan and set the sprint goals. The Sprint plan includes agreeing on the number of backlogs in the sprint, which is the responsibility of the development team, as well as defining goals for the current sprint and sprint backlog. (冲刺计划会议在冲刺开始之前进行。此次会议的目的是确定sprint计划并设置sprint目标。Sprint计划包括商定sprint中积压项目的数量,这是开发团队的责任,也是为当前sprint和sprint backlog定义目标。)

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The goal of the release plan is when to deliver a variety of available functions or products to customers so that the Scrum team can outline the release and delivery plans for the products being developed. Through long-term planning, the team can meet the expectations of product owners and related project sponsors. (发布计划的目标是何时将各种可用的功能或产品交付给客户,以使Scrum团队能够概述正在开发的产品的发布和交付计划。通过长期计划,团队可以满足产品负责人和相关项目发起人的期望。)

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Scrum: 为什么Sprint长度是固定?

Scrum advocates the use of fixed-length sprints. The length of the sprint can be adapted to the balance between the need for quick release and the need to allow enough time to complete a useful amount of work in each sprint. Once the appropriate length is found, it usually remains unchanged. (Scrum主张使用固定长度的冲刺。冲刺的长度可以适应于快速释放的需要和允许足够的时间在每个冲刺中完成有用量的工作之间的平衡。一旦找到合适的长度,它通常保持不变,)

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每日Scrum会议 – 快速指南

Every scrum meeting (called daily standing meeting) usually takes place at each sprint every morning for about 15 minutes. In scrum agile practices, teams usually hold meetings at 9:00 in the same place on time. (每天scrum会议(称为每日站立会议)通常每天早上在每个sprint上进行,时间大约持续15分钟。在scrum 敏捷实践中,团队通常会在9:00在同一地点按时召开会议。)

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Scrum的心跳 – 每日站立

The “daily scrum” is one of the important event for monitoring the heartbeat of your scrum project and is a “good habit” for your team. The purpose of the daily scrum is to increase the team’s communication and focus by answering 3 questions. (“每日Scrum”是监控Scrum项目心跳的重要事件之一,也是团队的“好习惯”。每日Scrum的目的是通过回答3个问题来加强团队的沟通和关注。)

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Scrum: 中的Sprint是什么?

Sprint is a Timeboxed iteration with a continuous development cycle. In Sprint, the planned workload must be completed by the team and ready for review. Scrum projects are subdivided into small and consistent time intervals, called sprint. They can be as short as a few days, usually no more than three to four weeks. (Sprint是一个持续开发周期的时间盒迭代。在Sprint中,计划的工作量必须由团队完成并准备好进行审核。Scrum项目被细分为小而一致的时间间隔,称为sprint。它们可以短至几天,通常不超过3-4周。)

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Scrum Sprint循环的8个步骤

This article show you how scrum framework is operated in a general sense. It can be illustrated in 8 typical steps. It leads you through the entire Scrum lifecycle from the start to the end. (本文向您展示了一般意义上如何操作Scrum框架。它可以用8个典型步骤来说明。它将引导您从开始到结束整个Scrum生命周期。

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Scrum: 什么是产品Backlog修饰?

A Scrum product backlog is simply a list of things to do for the project. The Product Owner creates, maintains, and regularly re-order a list of feature to be implemented for a product for adapting to emerging requirements, customer feedback, and market changes. (Scrum产品积压只是项目要做的事情列表。产品负责人创建,维护并定期要为产品实施的功能列表重新排序,以适应新出现的需求,客户反馈和市场变化。)

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什么是Scrum Ceremonies?

Scrum processes are distinguished from other agile processes by specific concepts and practices, and are classified into roles, rituals (also called events or meetings) and artifacts. (Scrum流程通过特定的概念和实践与其他敏捷流程区别开来,并分为角色、仪式(也称为事件或会议)和工件。)

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