Continue reading14种UML图类型概述 (Overview of the 14 UML Diagram Types)
(英文原文: Overview of the 14 UML Diagram Types) 统一建模语言是一种标准化的通用建模语言,现在由对象管理组(OMG)作为事实上的行业标准进行管理。UML包括一组图形符号技术,用于为软件密集型系统创建可视化模型。
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建造狗屋可以由一个人完成。它涉及一个简单的过程,使用基本工具,如钉子,锤子,锯子,胶带等进行。在几个小时内,你结束了一个狗的房子,可以做任何其他人的帮助。建模工作量极少或有时不必要。 如果你想为同一个家庭建造一个房子,有可能吗?它需要详细的规划,一些草图等。当然,建造房屋最好由团队实现。它需要详细的建模,定义明确的流程和强大的工具。 高层建筑怎么样?建模无疑是任何建筑项目的关键部分!
Continue reading什么是统一建模语言(UML)?
Continue reading敏捷开发: 计划扑克是什么?
Whatever the size of the team, they need to define, estimate and assign work across the team. Planning poker (also known as Scrum poker) is a consensus-based game technique for estimation, which is mainly used to estimate the workload or relative size of development objectives in software development. (无论团队规模如何,他们都需要在整个团队中定义,估算和分配工作。规划扑克(也称为Scrum扑克)是一种基于共识的游戏化技术,用于估算,主要用于估计软件开发中的开发目标的工作量或相对大小。)
Continue readingScrum: 把事件时间盒是什么意思?
Time boxes allocate a fixed maximum unit of time for activities. That unit of time is called a time frame. The goal of time frames is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to activities. Time frames are a common feature of many project management approaches, because they focus the team on the task at hand by providing a clear definition of completion. (时间盒为活动分配固定的最大时间单位。那个时间单位称为时间框。时间框的目标是定义和限制专用于活动的时间量。时间框是许多项目管理方法的共同特征,因为时间框通过提供明确的完成定义,使团队专注于完成手头的任务。)
Continue readingScrum: 什么是持续 集成 / 交付 / 部署?
“Continuous Integration”, “Continuous Delivery” and “Continuous Deployment”, are referred as an integral part of agile development. These approaches shares the same prefix ‘Continuous’, which suggests and allows integrating the increment (shippable software) as well as to deploy the outcome concurrently without the delay involved in traditional sequential development. (“持续集成”、“持续交付”和“持续部署”是敏捷开发不可或缺的一部分。这些方法共享相同的前缀“continuous”,这表明并允许集成增量(可交付软件)以及在不延迟传统顺序开发的情况下并行部署结果。)
Continue readingScrum: 产品Backlog改进是什么?
Product Backlog refinement is the act of adding detail, estimates and order to items in the Product Backlog. Ongoing Product Backlog Refinement is needed within each Sprint to refine items to be ready for future Sprints. When the backlog items are refined to the suitable level of granularity, they fit to be implemented within one Sprint. (产品积压优化是向产品积压中的项目添加细节、估计和顺序的操作。在每个sprint中,需要不断改进产品待办事项列表,以便为将来的sprint做好准备。当积压工作项被细化到合适的粒度级别时,它们适合在一个sprint中实现。)
Continue readingScrum: Sprint Retropective 会议是什么?
The Sprint Retrospective occurs after the Sprint Review and prior to the next Sprint Planning. This is at most a three-hour meeting for one-month Sprints. The retrospective session is basically an “improvement” meeting held to find ways and means to identify potential pitfalls, past mistakes, and seek out new ways to avoid those mistakes. (sprint审查发生在sprint回顾之后和下一个sprint计划之前。这最多是一个月Sprint的三小时会议。回顾旨在找出找出潜在的陷阱、过去的错误,并寻求避免这些错误的新方法。)
Continue readingScrum: Sprint评论是什么?
Sprint审查 (Sprint Review) 是一次非正式会议,开发团队,Scrum主管,产品负责人和利益相关者将参加。该团队对产品进行了演示,并将确定完成的内容和未完成的内容。Sprint Review会议的目的是让团队向客户和利益相关者展示他们在sprint上完成的工作,并将其与sprint开始时的承诺进行比较。(Sprint Review会议的目的是让团队向客户和利益相关者展示他们在sprint上完成的工作,并将其与sprint开始时的承诺进行比较。)
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