1. Introduction ArchiMate, a widely used enterprise architecture modeling language, provides a structured approach for describing and visualizing different aspects
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Introduction Enterprise Architecture serves as a crucial framework for organizations to align their business strategies with their IT infrastructure. ArchiMate,
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Introduction ArchiMate, a widely adopted enterprise architecture modeling language, provides a structured and comprehensive way to represent and analyze complex
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Introduction In the intricate landscape of Enterprise Architecture, where concerns interlace and evolve, the ArchiMate 3.2 standard emerges as a
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Introduction In the dynamic realm of enterprise architecture, the ArchiMate modeling language has undergone a transformative journey from Version 2.1
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形成 (Forming)、风暴 (Storming)、规范 (Norming) 和执行 (Performing) – (FSNP) 的概念描述了一个团队在一个项目中所经历的心理发展的四个阶段。团队在克服挑战的过程中经历了每个阶段,学会了一起工作,并最终专注于实现共同的目标。
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本文让我们仔细看看敏捷宣言背后的 4 个敏捷价值声明和 12 条原则。
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