
建造狗屋可以由一个人完成。它涉及一个简单的过程,使用基本工具,如钉子,锤子,锯子,胶带等进行。在几个小时内,你结束了一个狗的房子,可以做任何其他人的帮助。建模工作量极少或有时不必要。 如果你想为同一个家庭建造一个房子,有可能吗?它需要详细的规划,一些草图等。当然,建造房屋最好由团队实现。它需要详细的建模,定义明确的流程和强大的工具。 高层建筑怎么样?建模无疑是任何建筑项目的关键部分!

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敏捷开发: 计划扑克是什么?

Whatever the size of the team, they need to define, estimate and assign work across the team. Planning poker (also known as Scrum poker) is a consensus-based game technique for estimation, which is mainly used to estimate the workload or relative size of development objectives in software development. (无论团队规模如何,他们都需要在整个团队中定义,估算和分配工作。规划扑克(也称为Scrum扑克)是一种基于共识的游戏化技术,用于估算,主要用于估计软件开发中的开发目标的工作量或相对大小。)

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What is Sequence Diagram

A sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasizes the time-ordering of messages. It depicts the objects and classes involved in the scenario and the sequence of messages exchanged between the objects needed to carry out the functionality of the scenario. Typically, you’ll use one sequence diagram to specify a use case’s main flow, and variations of that diagram to specify a use case’s exceptional flows.

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