Scrum团队如何运作? – 简要指南

Scrum in a Nutshell: Scrum relies on which are periods of time when software development is actually done. A Sprint usually lasts from one week to one month to complete an item from the backlog. The goal of each Sprint is to create a potential shippable product. (Scrum依赖于软件开发实际完成的时间段。冲刺通常持续一周到一个月,以完成积压的项目。每个冲刺的目标都是创建一个潜在的可交付产品。)

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A product owner is the guardian of the product vision and goals, because it focuses on delivering business results and values for Scrum projects. So the question is how to be the best product owner? Based on our experience, we believe that the product owner should possess some key qualities. (产品所有者是产品远景和目标的守护者,因为它专注于为Scrum项目提供业务结果和价值。所以问题是如何成为最好的产品拥有者?根据我们的经验,我们认为产品所有者应该具备一些关键的品质。)

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The Scrum team shares different tasks and responsibilities related to product delivery. Every role is closely related. It is recommended that Scrum team members work together in the same place as possible. Let’s look at these roles from the perspective of responsibility, authority and characteristics. (Scrum團隊分享與產品交付相關的不同任務和職責。每個角色都密切相關。建議Scrum團隊成員盡可能在同一位置一起工作。讓我們從責任,權限和特徵的角度來看看這些角色。)

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The main goal of Scrum rules is to optimize the development process and minimize waste of time. Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring that everyone follows Scrum project-related rules. These rules combine Scrum processes so that everyone knows how to play. (Scrum規則的主要目標是優化開發過程並最大限度地減少浪費的時間。在Scrum Master的是負責確保每個人都遵循的Scrum與項目相關的規則。這些規則將Scrum流程結合在一起,以便每個人都知道如何玩。)

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Timeboxing 在 Scrum中是什么含义?

The goal of timeboxing is to define and limit the amount of time dedicated to an activity. Scrum uses timeboxing for all of the Scrum events and as a tool for concretely defining open-ended or ambiguous tasks. (时间装箱的目标是定义和限制专用于活动的时间量。scrum 将时间装箱用于所有 scrum 事件, 并用作具体定义无期限或不明确任务的工具。)

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极限编程(XP)vs Scrum

Scrum is a framework for product development, which is a container where you can add other practices. XP is one of those practices that you can do within Scrum framework. This article shows you the similarities and differences between them and there are no reasons why a team need choose between Scrum and XP exclusively. (Scrum是一个产品开发框架,它是一个容器,您可以在其中添加其他实践。XP是可以在Scrum框架内完成的实践之一。本文向您展示了它们之间的相似性和差异,并且没有任何理由说明团队需在Scrum和XP之间进行选择。)

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最好的免费和商业敏捷工具 – 每个Scrum团队都需要

In this article you will get a list of 10 latest and efficient Agile Project Management tools that would help your team in the entire scrum development process. You need some agile toolset for enhancing the productivity of your team and help ease the pain points even if you have remote employees. (在本文中,您将获得10个最新,最有效的敏捷项目管理工具列表,这些工具可以帮助您的团队完成整个Scrum开发过程。您需要一些敏捷的工具集来提高团队的工作效率, 并帮助缓解难题, 即使您有远程员工也没关系。)

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